Arvind Chaudhary’s film “Ek Gaon Disha Ki Ore” selected at the 5th Chitra Bharati Film Festival

Young filmmaker from Bhavthadhi told that one of his documentary films has been selected in the 5th Chitra Bharati Film Festival. This film talks about village development, how a village can be developed in education, sports, health, employment etc. The team of the film is from Dada Lakhmichand University Rohtak, Haryana, this film is based on a village in Rohtak. Arvind Chaudhary is originally a resident of Bhavthadi. He has done his education from Pilani and currently he is studying in the film department of DLC Supva Rohtak. This film has been researched and directed by Arvind Chaudhary. It is noteworthy that this young filmmaker short film ‘Hath Rupiya’ became famous at the national and international level.
If I am talking about this film festival then it is a national level film festival which is going to be held in Chandigarh Panchkula this time from 23rd to 25th February.
Arvind Chaudhry told yesterday that out of 700 films, 135 films have been selected in which his film Ek Gaon Disha Ki Or has been included.
And this festival serves to highlight the talent of the youth.

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